Hidden Nook
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
IDF Declares War On Potbellies?
[Media Source*] (Hat Tip: Israelity)
(Ynet News) Anti-paunch war gets underway: IDF fitness officials have decided to disable the elevator service at army headquarters in Tel Aviv for a week in a bid to fight the growing paunchiness of officers serving there, newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.
Apparently Israel does not enjoy her soldiers "living large," so the fitness officials are taking extreme measures to help trim down the force, especially amongst former officers who were promoted to administrative positions. One way they are encouraging soldiers to lose the pounds is by shutting off all of the elevators for a week, although it will probably take more than that to start a habit of fitness with these soldiers.
(Ynet News) "We want to get them used to using the stairs. God gave us legs so we use them," [Lt. Col. Avi] Benita said. "Sometimes I see phenomena at the Kirya (army headquarters) that drives me crazy. Officers take the elevator down to the parking garage, where the driver is waiting in the car and drives them to a nearby building."
The fitness officials are also planning on creating walk ways throughout the building, as well as encouraging officers to walk at least 3 miles a day. Benita, the one who formulated this plan, should probably consider banning elevators altogether, or at least suspending them for a month (not to mention cut out any snack foods that he may come across via vending machines).
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By Darnell Clayton ⢠9:15 PM ⢠Email Post ⢠â¢
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